- Christianity is the only religion that calls its message the "Good news". The Christian message is not what Jesus said or did, but it is who He is. Jesus is not a messenger of God — He is the message.
- There are genuine allusions to "Christ-figures" in the sacred texts of non-Christian religions. This could be the result of a primeval revelation from God to the whole of humanity. The Bible, on the other hand, discloses the ultimate revelation of God in time and space, where He emptied Himself and became human in the person of Jesus Christ.
- Jesus redefined religion in terms of relationship. Most religions conceptualize the idea of a "Creator God", who is indifferent to the world of His creation. Jesus, on the other hand, revealed a "Father God", who invites us into an intimate relationship with Him.
- Only the Christian Scripture claims that "God is love" (1 John 4:8)—A God who is love is different from a 'loving' God.
- A God who is love cannot be just, and a just God cannot be love (in the act of forgiveness and reconciliation). In order to solve this cosmic dilemma, God takes the burden of our sins on Himself on the cross of Christ, thus establishing a radically new relationship with humanity.
- The justice of God and the grace of God are revealed simultaneously at the death of Jesus Christ. The love of God and the law of God meet at His cross.
- Christianity thus replaces the law of karma (doing right things to become righteous) with the theology of grace (doing right things because we are deemed righteous in Christ) God welcomes us not because of 'what we do' (righteousness) but because of 'who we are' (relationship) in Christ.
- Religion is the story of (hu)man's search for God; but Christianity is the story of God's search for (hu)man. According to the Bible, we are created in the image and likeness of God. When we lost His image and likeness in the Garden of Eden, God took our image and likeness in Christ in order to reestablish the relationship. It is the ultimate good news presented by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- How do the Christ-figures in world religions function as silent pointers to the Historical Christ in Christianity?
- Why do Christians call Jesus the "Son of God" even though Jesus addressed Himself as the "son of man"? What is the difference?
- Why is Christianity, "the end of religion and the beginning of a relationship?"
- How do you differentiate between the law of karma and the theology of grace?
- Why did Jesus have to die for the salvation of humanity? Couldn’t have God forgiven us all at His will?
- Ask people of different religious faiths how they address God in their prayers. How is it different from the Lord's Prayer which addresses God, "Our Father"?
- What are some examples of "general revelation" you observe in your everyday life?
- Ask people of different religious faiths how they address God in their prayers. How is it different from the Lord's Prayer which addresses God, "Our Father"?
- What are some examples of "general revelation" you observe in your everyday life?
- The Emptied God
Chapter 7, The Unknown God - The Only way
Chapter 8, The Unknown God